Thursday, 16 August 2018

Ana is finished

I have finished Nora Corbett's Bewitching Pixie Ana.

I loved stitching her, not so much the beading.  Mind you it looks great when the beading is finished.

I have so many Mirabilia's in my stash but always happy to add more.  I managed to get Fairy Idyll which is OOP the other week, I have been after her for ages.  I'm so happy, not sure when I'll get around to stitching her but at least I now have her.

I have also finished Just Nan's The promise.  I'd forgotten how much I like the Just Nan samplers.

I'm so glad I've finished a couple of My StitchMaynia starts, I still have loads to finish but I want to stitch a couple more ornaments.  We are having a bigger tree this year so need more ornaments plus DS2 has now finished uni, started a new job and is getting his own place so will be putting up his own tree and

Happy Stitching


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